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Proceedings of The 10th International Conference on Modern Research in Management, Economics and Accounting
Year: 2020
Small, Medium & Micro-Enterprise Development in Special Economic Zones: South African Case Study
Ghinwa Moujaes
The spillover potential of Special Economic Zones (SEZ) provides little insight on how they can be used as a local economic development tool. To overcome this gap, this casestudy of the Coega Industrial Development Zone in South Africa focuses on its impact on Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) because SMME development can contribute to achieving various socio-economic impacts. The qualitative research confirms that through simultaneous provision of access to opportunities, finance and technical and managerial knowledge, SEZs can act as a policy development tool to SMMEs, allowing them to overcome important constraints. This case study provides policy implications on how to harness the role of SEZs as a tool for SMME development.
Keywords: Small medium and micro enterprises, Special Economic Zones, Industrial Zones, SMME development
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Ghinwa Moujaes
London School of Economics