Register for MEACONF

Secure your spot at the 18th International Conference on Modern Research in Management, Economics, and Accounting by completing the registration form below. Whether you’re presenting or joining as a listener, we look forward to welcoming you to our event.
Early Bird Registration Deadline
25 February 2025
Authors (Students): €300
Authors (Regular): €340
Listener: €120
Virtual Presentation: €120
Early Registration Deadline
28 April 2025
Authors (Students): €340
Authors (Regular): €380
Listener: €140
Virtual Presentation: €140
Late Registration Deadline
29 July 2025
Authors (Students): €380
Authors (Regular): €420
Listener: €160
Virtual Presentation: €160
The Conference Registration Fee Includes

- Presentation Time Slot for Speakers
- Conference Program Book
- Conference Proceedings (Soft Copy)
- Conference Certificate of Participation
- In-person/Virtual Networking opportunities
- Access to Poster Viewing Area
- Access to all Virtual Sessions
- Opportunity to publish article in Conference Proceedings (with ISBN and DOI) for presenters
- Conference Letter of Invitation for Oral/Poster Presenters and Listeners
- First-day lunch, coffee breaks, and refreshments
- Conference Photo Coverage (Online)
- Free Guided City Tour
- Eligibility to Attend Technical Sessions and Workshops

* Extra paper fee: 75 €
* Fees apply ONLY to payments received by the indicated deadlines.
* Conference fee does not include accommodation and airport transfer.
Cancellation policy

In case of any cancellation or non-attendance, unfortunately, the registration fees are not refundable.
Payment Methods
Use the form below to register and pay online via credit card or PayPal. Alternatively, you may pay your registration fee through a bank transfer using the information provided below.

"*" indicates required fields
If you choose to pay by bank wire transfer, please ensure to attach a copy of your payment receipt after completing the transfer. Our team will review your payment to confirm your registration.
Bank Wire Transfer Information
IBAN LT56 3250 0812 1155 4762
Beneficiary address Vlado Nagevičiaus gatvė 3, 09129, Vilnius, Lithuania
Bank / Payment institution Revolut Bank UAB
Bank / Payment institution address Konstitucijos ave. 21B, 08130, Vilnius, Lithuania
Intermediary BIC – CHASDEFX
"*" indicates required fields